Thursday, February 26, 2009
Starting some new projects
It was a lovely day as I headed to Burlington, with my gift certificate, a Christmas gift from Polly, burning a hole in my purse. First I stopped at Kohl's for new sneakers and pjs. Then I browsed around Home Goods without buying, and then headed to Yankee Pride where I bought a yard of white on white and six fat quarters. Of the FQs, two were Asian prints in an apricot color to use in my Dear Jane and the others were fabrics from the 1930's. Our Tuesday night guild is making a quilt to raffle off in support of the library. Each person is to bring at least one 9" block in '30's and WoW. I have never been into those tiny '30's prints and had none, so at least one FQ was essential.
While checking out, I noticed that Yankee Pride had no Central Vermont Quilt Show handouts left, so I gave them some more. On my way to PetsMart to buy two new beds for Max, I thought I'd better stop by Sew Many Treasures to see if they had any quilt show handouts, too. While there replenishing their stock, I just had to buy a few more '30's FQs and another yard of WoW.
Today I washed the '30's FQs and made an Ohio Star block for the guild quilt. Then I started on a Dresden plate square. I'll applique that to another 9" square for the guild after I finish the applique I started last week using some of my polka dot fabrics from a swap on one of the Dear Jane lists. Most of my fabric is packed away, but I just can't stop quilting. Can't wait to be in the new house and my new quilting space, though!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Downsizing = Work!
So the packing and sorting continues. Every day I find things that we don't need to move. Yesterday, after a trip to both the Salvation Army and the ReStore, I discovered a large turkey roasting pan, some bags of nails, a third tinsnip, a wooden bowl, more canning jars, and some plastic containers. I have started a fifth (or is it sixth?) pile of stuff for the S.A. in the dining room.
Freecycle has been a boon, too. We've given away 2 TVs, 2 beds (with another waiting in the wings), some chairs, a bookcase, and, I hope, the piano. The latter will have to be picked up when the snow leaves the front yard. When someone with an herbal school contacted me about chairs, I offered the large dining room table which will also have to wait for the snow to melt. I also offered our outdoor furniture to a friend who just moved. Chris took some wooden things to be burned in a friend's big stove, and last weekend we recycled a pile of dirty old paperbacks that had been in the tower. Slowly our excess is being cleared away.
Meanwhile, I've started an appliqued piece, finished this month's border on the guild's round robin, and plan to make a few blocks for the guild's library raffle quilt. Since most of my fabric has been packed and I need some white, I'll just have to buy a little piece of that and some '30s fabric. Hmmm... trip to Yankee Pride??
Friday, February 6, 2009
Central Vermont Quilt Show update
In the middle of the days, I've been working on quilt show details - getting insurance, exhorting people to enter, finding vendors. So far, the following vendors have committed:
- A Quilter's Garden, Montpelier
- Jenny Hermenze, Bolton
- Country Quilt and Fabric, Poultney
I'm working on a few more, including Darwin's Sew & Vac here in Barre. There's room for six vendors as well as a demonstration space that is reserved for Froncie Quinn of Hoopla Patterns. Some quilt shop owners have told me that they are stretched thin, and just can't commit to the two days away from their shops. So I've been looking for vendors like my friend Jenny who work from home or have online shops. I am optimistic that it will all come together.
I've also had a couple of calls from people wondering if there's still time to enter. The deadline is April 8, so I am hoping there will be a flood of entries toward the end of March. Still, I've got to continue beating the bushes. My next task is to nail down a few more judges. There will be vendors' and viewers' choice awards, but also some "celebrity" judges, including Richard Cleveland, creator of the Vermont Quilt Festival.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
A very meaningful reversible quilt
During the fall of 2007, several retirement parties were held - at the Fletcher Memorial Library, Ludlow; the Georgia Public Li