Since Dec. 1, I've been knitting a "sky scarf," and knitting two rows that reflect the color of the sky each day. This week has been almost totally gray, so that's been the predominant color this week.
Saturday, I went to a Stack & Whack workshop, and it was fun! I made four blocks over the weekend and then decided to put the pieces away until Feb. 12 when I go to quilt camp. I do have the blocks on the wall, though, because they look so interesting.
Most of the week, I put together the 12" Amish blocks guild members made. An area quilter gave me a trash bag full of solid colors, some cotton, others polyester. The guild made some lovely blocks, but some had trouble with the poly. I did, too, when putting them together. I used Amish black from Keepsake and scrappy cotton cornerstones, so it will be a sturdy quilt nonetheless. I left the quilt in 3 pieces to make quilting easier, but I still have to find some backing fabric. One person made a 16" block which I am using as the signature block for the back, too.
This morning I got the crib-sized Winding Ways quilt out of the closet, cut some batting, and pieced a back. I'll sandwich it at quilt camp where we'll have bigger tables. I had thought I would make more borders but I now see that it is really complete as is. After that!!! I worked on this month's step for the guild mystery quilt - 120 2" half-square triangles. Ugh. But they are done and put away for ... whenever.
The weather has been iffy all week, so I haven't been out much. I did go over to the library a few times to help Karen sort through all of the stuff for the auction tomorrow night. The Friends of the Library are putting on the annual Chinese New Year's banquet, with silent and live auctions. We have some wonderful things this year but as always, they are almost overwhelming. Just about every restaurant has sent a gift certificate, there are gift baskets from various shops, and there's artwork, crafts, tickets to events, and more. Pauline and Bob are coming over from Milton to join us, and we have a nice congenial table for 7 reserved. Samantha will help me do the credit card transactions, and Winnie and Paul will help with clean up. It will be a fun evening, but part of me wishes it were already over!