This is day 4 of a heat wave, and we have all had it. Generally, the weather people say we're having a heat wave when we have 3 days of over 90 degree temperatures. This one is set to leave us some time Friday. What a time for our refrigerator to misbehave! The repair guy is scheduled for this afternoon, but the fridge has been acting strangely for about two weeks: the freezer is working tell well, no matter what the setting, and the refrigerator is not working all that well. We have been buying blocks of ice to keep things cool in the fridge. But since it's been hot, we've been eating dinner out more, just to get cool for a while. Today I hope we can actually eat at home, albeit using the grill. Fingers crossed.
Last week, my mother and sister Jenny were here, and we had a very nice visit. Mom turned 96 while here, so I invited friends and neighbors for an afternoon tea with cake. Later, we had a family
dinner out at a nice restaurant. On other days, we went shopping, out for soft ice cream (Vermonters call them "creemies" and maple is a favorite flavor), walked around the neighborhood, or just sat and talked. I've been doing our genealogy, so I had questions about various ancestors that only Mom can answer. We are always reminded, when with her, that she has an enormous cache of information and interesting stories to tell. Jenny is looking into having a video interview made soon.
We are so glad they came and so glad they left before the heat wave hit. While they were here, we had perfect weather with temperatures in the 60s and 70s and beautiful blue skies, with just a little rain. Living in Colorado for so long, neither of them was used to the humidity, but it didn't really get serious until now. I have air conditioning in my sewing room, so I've been making a few 6" blocks for a new quilt made up of "Blockheads 2" and "The Splendid Sampler 2" blocks. I'm cutting up the "kitchen towel of the month" set that I got years ago from Yve into 6" blocks as well. It will be a nice memento of her and of my 71st year. All the backgrounds of this scrappy quilt will be low volume prints and shirtings, so I'm tentatively calling it "Low Volume at 70."