Then I screwed up my courage and started on the embroidery, using gold thread. What a mess! It was far too glitzy, so I took it out and used some gold cotton. Ah! much better. But I knew I'd never make another, so the block just got shuffled around until it landed in the back of the closet. When one of my guilds announced a UFO program, I dug it out, and yesterday I added a cotton border and did a little machine quilting. Today I added some hand quilting (black on black - tough to see) and stitched the facing to the back. Voila!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Affairs of the Heart
Some years ago, I saw a luscious quilt called Affairs of the Heart by Ale Rossman. It was incredibly tempting. When I finally read the fine print, I realized that the blocks are all 8" and involve hand applique and my nemesis - embroidery. I picked one and used wool for the applique. I love the feel of wool and soft colors.
Yesterday, I finished putting the last borders onto the red, white and blue medallion quilt I started working on last winter. I had found an oversized "Goose in the Pond" block in red and white in my pizza box of leftover quilt blocks. From there, I added borders, using fabric my Dutch sister sent me and some scraps in my stash. At one point in the spring, I put it away because I knew it should be bigger but wasn't sure what to do next. At the Vermont Quilt Festival this summer, I saw just the fabric I wanted for an appliqued border, and that's what I've been working on piecemeal ever since. It has grown to about 84" x 84" and is ready to quilt. That's what I hope to be doing over the next month or so.
But first! I need to finish stitching a facing down on the back of an old wool appliqued UFO that also needs a little hand quilting. It was an 8" square that I finished long ago. I needed to do a little embroidery and, when I tried using gold metallic thread, it looked awful. I took it all out and used plain gold cotton thread instead. Much better. A colorful border makes the final little hanging about 11".
My row robin bookshelf quilt returned home Saturday after a trip to Washington state, Australia (two stops there), London, North Carolina, and Florida. These quilters did some amazing work! I am anxious to put it together but will try to restrain myself until after I get the Goose in the Pond quilt done. I did buy a tan "Quilters Linen" fabric (I love this Kaufmann line) for the outer shelving and sides of the bookcase. It's going to be fun to look at.
But first! I need to finish stitching a facing down on the back of an old wool appliqued UFO that also needs a little hand quilting. It was an 8" square that I finished long ago. I needed to do a little embroidery and, when I tried using gold metallic thread, it looked awful. I took it all out and used plain gold cotton thread instead. Much better. A colorful border makes the final little hanging about 11".
My row robin bookshelf quilt returned home Saturday after a trip to Washington state, Australia (two stops there), London, North Carolina, and Florida. These quilters did some amazing work! I am anxious to put it together but will try to restrain myself until after I get the Goose in the Pond quilt done. I did buy a tan "Quilters Linen" fabric (I love this Kaufmann line) for the outer shelving and sides of the bookcase. It's going to be fun to look at.
Friday, October 26, 2018
Rain and gloom
This year's October weather seems much like past years' November that I hope we don't slip right into December weather after Halloween.
We did manage to take a short walk in the forest with Suzanne this week when she came down to get her car serviced. The sky was gloomy but what was left of the foliage was quite pretty. We have had a little wet snow the last couple of days, too. Rib-sticking meals have been the order of the day - chili, mashed potatoes, beets.
I've been chipping away at UFOs this week and have just one more border to finish appliqueing on the Goose in the Pond medallion I started last winter. Actually, the center block is about 3 or 4 years old. I cut all the strips for two plain outer borders as well as the binding, so I am looking forward to finishing soon.
My bookshelf row-by-row quilt returned yesterday after having been worked on by six quilters in Australia, London, Washington state, North Carolina, and Florida. It looks fabulous! I am still considering setting the "shelves" in two ranges with a wall above for a mini quilt. That will probably necessitate making another "shelf" or two of books. Row-by-row quilts tend to be 36" wide, but I'm thinking 72" or so would be more practical. I need to figure out what the outside of the "shelves" will be made of. Perhaps a "grunge" fabric will mimic antiqued wood? The quilt shops are having a Halloween shopping event, so I might run down later today. Saturday is the state quilt guild meeting, always a source of interesting ideas, and sometimes a source of interesting fabric, too.
We did manage to take a short walk in the forest with Suzanne this week when she came down to get her car serviced. The sky was gloomy but what was left of the foliage was quite pretty. We have had a little wet snow the last couple of days, too. Rib-sticking meals have been the order of the day - chili, mashed potatoes, beets.
I've been chipping away at UFOs this week and have just one more border to finish appliqueing on the Goose in the Pond medallion I started last winter. Actually, the center block is about 3 or 4 years old. I cut all the strips for two plain outer borders as well as the binding, so I am looking forward to finishing soon.
My bookshelf row-by-row quilt returned yesterday after having been worked on by six quilters in Australia, London, Washington state, North Carolina, and Florida. It looks fabulous! I am still considering setting the "shelves" in two ranges with a wall above for a mini quilt. That will probably necessitate making another "shelf" or two of books. Row-by-row quilts tend to be 36" wide, but I'm thinking 72" or so would be more practical. I need to figure out what the outside of the "shelves" will be made of. Perhaps a "grunge" fabric will mimic antiqued wood? The quilt shops are having a Halloween shopping event, so I might run down later today. Saturday is the state quilt guild meeting, always a source of interesting ideas, and sometimes a source of interesting fabric, too.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
UFO night at guild
Our local quilt guild met last night, and the topic was UnFinishedObjects. As "homework," we were to locate all of the UFOs we had and then bring one that we would like to finish, one that we won't finish, and our oldest one. Most of mine need hand work of some kind so are mostly small. The oldest one is a white-on-white piece that I started hand quilting in the early 1990s. The group at guild urged me to finish, so I will try to get back to it this winter.
The one I don't think I'll ever finish is the one I made in David Taylor's machine applique class. I just don't need another little wallhanging, and I really didn't like using nylon thread. Maybe I'll try making a fancy "frame" for it using some glitzy thread I bought at Ricky Tims' class. Anita Shackleford, from whom I took a hand applique class, said that class projects rarely get finished, but that's OK. She suggested we keep them as samples to refer back to. I didn't finish the project from her class either, and I can't even find it. :-)
My list of UFOs (which I keep on my phone) keeps growing even though I pride myself on finishing things. Those with an * begin in the new year, and I hereby resolve to tackle at least a few of the long-term ones in the coming year:
le and my walking foot. Then I hammered on the hardware. Some of the hardware is a little crooked, but they looks great and only took a morning to make. I enjoyed it so much, I might just order another set to work on before Christmas.
The one I don't think I'll ever finish is the one I made in David Taylor's machine applique class. I just don't need another little wallhanging, and I really didn't like using nylon thread. Maybe I'll try making a fancy "frame" for it using some glitzy thread I bought at Ricky Tims' class. Anita Shackleford, from whom I took a hand applique class, said that class projects rarely get finished, but that's OK. She suggested we keep them as samples to refer back to. I didn't finish the project from her class either, and I can't even find it. :-)
My list of UFOs (which I keep on my phone) keeps growing even though I pride myself on finishing things. Those with an * begin in the new year, and I hereby resolve to tackle at least a few of the long-term ones in the coming year:
- Red, white and blue medallion - working on applique for another border
- Splendid Samper - combining SS 1 and 2 with Moda Blockheads weekly
- Quilt guild block swap - make 32 12" blocks by May*
- Guild mystery quilt - finish cutting and do the October clue
- Double churn dash swap with online group - due 9/30/2019*
- Missouri Star block swap - blocks to return to me this fall
- Bookcase row by row with online group - to return to me this fall
- Hawaiian appliqued turtle (started in 2016?)
- Wool appliqued vase with flowers (started in 2017)
- Affairs of the heart block - embroidery and finish
- Selvage quilt - make a few more blocks and finish (an ongoing project)
- Recent applique class project (problem created by teaching!)
- Guild panel challenge*
- Bonnie Hunter 2018-19 mystery with online group*

Saturday, October 13, 2018
Just living
I rarely photograph my food even though I like to cook and to go out to eat. Trying to lose weight, my restaurant food tends to be salad-based, and I haven't made an apple pie, loaf of bread, or anything else photo-worthy lately. I did make a great turkey vegetable soup, roasted chicken, and chicken/biscuit dinner this week, though. My jeans are a little loose - whoo hoo!
It's been a quiet week here. Chris and I drastically trimmed the lilac bush which had grown too tall to deadhead. I also managed to deal with a mountain of laundry, taught an applique class to two students, ran some errands, and quilted the September Splendid Sampler 2 blocks. Now I'm putting together the July, August, and September sections of the quilt which is a year-long project. I do love making those 6" blocks.
Our quilt guild program Tuesday is going to be on tackling UFOs, so I've gathered a bunch of those to take along. I noticed that almost all of them require some hand work or applique. Maybe I should look into finishing some by machine? I have a feeling there are more buried in the dresser in the guest room, too.
Before we left on our trip, I rearranged many of the quilts in storage by unfolding the newer ones and layering them on the guest bed. I replaced the quilts on the rack in the living room with oldies that I ought to give away. But to whom and how? One in particular is only fit to be a dog bed, so maybe I'll cut it up and give the pieces to the Humane Society. My Double Dutch sampler (appliqued, pieced, hand quilted, pre-2000) is hanging over the railing in the upstairs hall - "sick bay" - because it needs repair, a/k/a more hand work!
Saturday, October 6, 2018
Teal mini swap
The best thing in our mail which was held at the P.O. during our vacation was a package from my Teal Mini Swap partner, Shelly in SC. Each participant - and they came from the U.S. and Canada - received a small piece of fabric to incorporate into either a mug rug or mini quilt for a partner who was assigned. Ten of the $15 we sent in went to ovarian cancer research, so it's a fun and useful swap. It is amazing how well we are partnered, too. I have a lot in common with both this year's and last year's partners who are so nice - but then, quilters are generally nice!
Here's the mini Shelly made me:
I love the puffin fabric she used as a border. The fabric we both received is the teal print at the top left. Both of us weren't enamored of it, but it ended up working fine in our minis. It's clear we both love color. How did she know that I have been trying to use more orange in my quilts lately? Here's the string star mini I made Shelly: Shelly's package also included several items she made herself: some knitted dish cloths, a neat scrubby, and a tea caddy for my purse or travel. This is a great way to meet quilters around the country as well as a way to contribute to a very good cause. I hope to join in again next year.
Here's the mini Shelly made me:
I love the puffin fabric she used as a border. The fabric we both received is the teal print at the top left. Both of us weren't enamored of it, but it ended up working fine in our minis. It's clear we both love color. How did she know that I have been trying to use more orange in my quilts lately? Here's the string star mini I made Shelly: Shelly's package also included several items she made herself: some knitted dish cloths, a neat scrubby, and a tea caddy for my purse or travel. This is a great way to meet quilters around the country as well as a way to contribute to a very good cause. I hope to join in again next year.
Friday, October 5, 2018
Colorado memories
Our week in Colorado went by much too quickly, and now we are back to "life" - grocery shopping, mail, laundry, to-do lists. But we had a fine time with Mom and Jenny - a ballet honoring the Harlem Jazz Age, a visit to a Dutch artist's studio, a Vietnamese lunch with the Indo-Dutch group, and a trip to Leadville, the highest municipality (over 10,000 feet) in the USA. We took a tour of the Matchless Mine shack where poor Baby Doe Tabor spent her impoverished last 36 years, and we stopped at the public library which had an extensive local history collection. Lunch was super there - delicious grilled cheese, tomato and bacon. In fact, we ate too well the entire week, and now it's back to watching our intake again. :-)

We also visited the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden where there were two outstanding exhibits - one of Russian quilts and the other some amazing thread painted pieces by Jill Kertula. There were quite a few Russian quilts using traditional American patterns like Trip Around the World. The fabrics were muted even though they used a lot of red. Many of the appliqued quilts showed scenes from folk tales, but any words were not translated, unfortunately.
I'm sorry I didn't get any photo of the Kertula quilts - they were outstanding - but a couple of Russian ones caught my eye. The logs in the log cabin quilt finished at less than 1/2" and many of the centers were grass green satiny fabric. It ends up looking like an oriental rug.
The appliqued quilt was pieced first and then appliqued with butterflies, yo yo flowers, etc. I think the background was mostly hand pieced, too.
There was a fun display of Matryoska dolls, including one featuring the Washington Redskins football team and another featuring heroes of the Soviet Union, with Lenin being the smallest.
The gift shop in the new museum location has grown considerably, and pretty soon they'll outgrow the space. I didn't buy anything, but I admired the Laurel Burch scarves and t-shirts, and Mom got greeting cards and fun socks. In fact, I didn't buy any souvenirs at all. We were too busy to shop!
We love to go to the movies when visiting Mom because there are two multi-plexes nearby. We saw BlackKKlansman, a Spike Lee film about a black cop infiltrating the KKK in Colorado Springs in the 1970s, and Crazy Rich Asians, a very lightweight romantic comedy with great music - familiar pop songs sung in Chinese.
We also visited the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Golden where there were two outstanding exhibits - one of Russian quilts and the other some amazing thread painted pieces by Jill Kertula. There were quite a few Russian quilts using traditional American patterns like Trip Around the World. The fabrics were muted even though they used a lot of red. Many of the appliqued quilts showed scenes from folk tales, but any words were not translated, unfortunately.
I'm sorry I didn't get any photo of the Kertula quilts - they were outstanding - but a couple of Russian ones caught my eye. The logs in the log cabin quilt finished at less than 1/2" and many of the centers were grass green satiny fabric. It ends up looking like an oriental rug.
The appliqued quilt was pieced first and then appliqued with butterflies, yo yo flowers, etc. I think the background was mostly hand pieced, too.
There was a fun display of Matryoska dolls, including one featuring the Washington Redskins football team and another featuring heroes of the Soviet Union, with Lenin being the smallest.
The gift shop in the new museum location has grown considerably, and pretty soon they'll outgrow the space. I didn't buy anything, but I admired the Laurel Burch scarves and t-shirts, and Mom got greeting cards and fun socks. In fact, I didn't buy any souvenirs at all. We were too busy to shop!
We love to go to the movies when visiting Mom because there are two multi-plexes nearby. We saw BlackKKlansman, a Spike Lee film about a black cop infiltrating the KKK in Colorado Springs in the 1970s, and Crazy Rich Asians, a very lightweight romantic comedy with great music - familiar pop songs sung in Chinese.
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