Last week, we had a six day heat wave - officially, 6 days with temperatures over 90 degrees. It was muggy and continues to be so, even though it's only about 80 today. Wednesday, Paul and I went to Boulder Beach in Groton where it was delightfully cool under the shade trees and in the water. Thursday I sat in front of a fan and finished another Inspector Gamache mystery by
Louise Penny. They are great, set in a small village in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, near the Vermont border.
Monday was slightly less humid so we went for our annual visit to the Shelburne Museum. There were photos by Ansel Adams and ? Burtynski, a Canadian whose emphasis is on industrial photos. Some of those were beautiful, including one of Barre's Rock of Ages quarry in winter. There was a crazy quilt exhibit as well as a special traveling Alzheimer's quilt exhibit curated by Ami Simms. Some of those were incredible.
Throughout this time, I've been working on a quilt for my cousin's husband Piet who will be retiring in January from his job as a police officer in the Netherlands.

I bought the fabric by mistake and then was intrigued by the way it looked when I stacked and whacked it. It came out pretty nice! I am going to make a quilt for Nicoline, his wife and my cousin, too, since I just happen to have a UFO of her mother's still hanging around my stash. It is a lovely log cabin in pink polished cottons. Tante Wil did a very meticulous job on the log cabin blocks which will again form a medallion for Nicoline's quilt.
I'm waiting for some fabric from my friend Yve who lives in Rochester, NY. She asked me to make a little quilt for her new grandson Noah and, while I don't usually do commissions, I would never say "no" to Yve, one of our very first guests at Maplecroft.
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