So today, I've been making blue and white Just Takes 2 blocks. I have a spreadsheet that I'm using to keep track of the blocks I've made. As with Dear Jane, I'm substituting once in a while. I made "Broken Dishes" rather than "Broken Heart." Some of the most recent blocks are 9" but I replaced some with 12" blocks. So far, the blocks look great, and I can't wait to get my guild round robin blocks, also blue and white, back.
A big snowstorm is predicted and I'm a real chicken when it comes to driving in snow, so I went grocery shopping at 7:15 am. It started snowing at around 11 am, but lightly, and so far, there's not enough to worry about. Maybe we have been spared yet again, although word is the ski areas are getting dumped on, to their delight.
I have a lot of "Flimsies" laying around. I like that term. Great job on the quilt. I like the idea of using it for a wreath. Hope it doesn't snow too bad. I know you guys have not had much of a winter thus far. Be safe.
Love that quilt. Oh I'd like to live next door to the house with a quilt on the door!
I didn't work on flimsies today, as I had a dental appointment and then errands. But soon, a flimsie day!
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