Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy World Wide Quilting Day!

The only people who regularly read my blog are quilters, so have a wonderful day, you all!  Hope your day includes some stitching in one way or another.  I am working on a sweatshirt jacket made out of Indonesian batik patchwork cheater cloth.  It is coming along fine, but I am dithering about the length of the body and the sleeves.  Can't put the zipper in until I decide on the length, so that will have to happen today.

I received a wonderful WWQD gift from Terry, who is an online swap friend.
I was her secret pal at Christmastime, and she very thoughtfully sent me a handquilted mug rug (I "heart" quilting!), a pattern for a small embroidered wallhanging, a cute lady bug notepad, an emory board, and a sweet card.  It's fun to open a gift when it's not your birthday or Christmas!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sweet gift and happy quilting day to you too!

Pat from Florida said...

How sweet. This WAS a fun swap!