I made the
Loyal Unions Sampler block of the week and a couple of
Nearly Insane blocks over the weekend. Here's a look at my design wall this morning. I'll be packing them up as I make more this week.

I must be in a gray mode lately because I also made this pillow out of two old t-shirts. I got the idea from a program at my guild meeting a few months ago. You cut out two 14" squares from one t-shirt and use another one to cut 1 1/2" strips which you ruffle and sew on. It was very easy, and the hardest part was sewing the opening closed after putting the pillow form inside. T-shirt fabric can be uncooperative sometimes. The base t-shirt was a little darker than the ruffles, just by chance, but I like the effect. I don't know if someone will be receiving this for Christmas. I like it too much to part with just now!
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