I store my projects in plastic project boxes, pizza boxes, and extra large plastic baggies. Occasionally, parts of tops get hung on hangers. This summer I've been trying to whittle these projects down, and I'm making progress. The only problem is that I have a tendency to start one as soon as I finish one.
I have five quilts going at the moment:

- A block of the week to go along with the reading of
The Jane Austen Quilt Club by Ann Hazelwood for an online book group. I really hate the book, but I love Barbara Brackman's Austen Family Album blog. Every week, she posts a brief look at Jane, her times, her family and friends. This week's block is "Old Maid's Puzzle for Tom Lefroy," Jane's fiance-for-a-day. I'm using pinks and greens from my stash.
- A traditional log cabin made of scrappy blues with red centers, including blue shirting, for Paul's great niece Tori who graduates from high school in the spring. I figure if I start now, it might be done by then. :-)
- A granny square quilt, also made of scraps from the stash. I've made 12 blocks so far and think I need 12 more, but I need to buy some more solid black.
- The "ocean" quilt, using teal fossil fern and scrappy 2" squares, I blogged about months ago. I finished the center, and it's hanging in the closet. I've also finished appliqueing three of four borders, and the fourth border is all prepped and ready to sew. The next few days are going to be sunny, so I hope to get working on it again.
- A house quilt for which I've been collecting fabrics and have made one block. It will have all sorts of houses with international ladies peeking out of the doors and windows, along with some "landscaping."

I am also gathering Civil War reproduction fabrics for one of my guilds' "square robins," which we do every year. I am including two of Brackman's "Threads of Memory" blocks-of-the-month in the package. I started doing these but didn't like two others that I made. Those two have gone into my pizza box marked "Year's End." Every year, I look at the orphan and trial blocks that I've collected and sometimes I put them into a quilt. Last year I tried to use blue and white for all of my trial blocks, and over the last couple of weeks I put them together into a small throw to go to the Parkinsons Comfort Quilt Project. I'm calling it
My September BoB quilt.
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