I made $108 on the craft fair last weekend, which is quite a bit more than I thought. I have a lot left over, but many have a future as holiday gifts. And as luck would have it, my Mom called the other night and asked if I could give her a baby quilt and a tote bag that she could give as gifts. I put some potholders in, too, and all the other baby quilts are now back up on the
etsy site.

Almost everything that sold had a Christmas theme, so while I am in the mood (and I usually do enjoy using Christmas fabric at this time of year), I'm making a few things for next year. I'll get them quilted when I get a chance throughout the coming year. I ordered a 108" piece of backing fabric for the log cabin star, and when it comes, I'll get it ready to take to the long arm quilter's. I also added the sleeves to the body of the cardigan I'm knitting, so I feel like I'm well on my way to finishing that (only 54 rows to go...).
Today I shopped for Thanksgiving provisions - snacks, potatoes, fresh vegetables. I'm in charge of "sides," which I enjoymaking, and I'm ever so glad that Samantha is cooking and bringing the turkey and gravy. Cindy will bring dessert, Polly rolls, and Vicki her mom's corn casserole. All of us are "orphans," with family far away. Chris is joining a friend he rarely sees, as usual in Burlington.
Saturday I made the easiest cake ever:
Pumpkin spice cake
Preheat over to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9"x9" pan.
Mix together a can of pumpkin and a box of spice cake. (That's all!) Bake about 25 min.
When cool but not cold, pour over a glaze made of confectioner's sugar, some pumpkin pie spice, and a little apple cider. Yum!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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