I saw the candy wrapper bag online somewhere, and there was a pattern in "Block" magazine. Our family has been struggling (!!) with the high volume of M&Ms that have come into the house with this new endeavor. I made two bags using the pattern in "Block" but I had to throw one away, because the stitching ripped as I was turning the finished product right side out. The pattern said to quilt the laminated candy wrapper but I think it would be better to use fusible fleece on the lining and quilt that. At least that's what I'm going to try next. Yes - we are eating another round of M&Ms, both regular and dark chocolate.
The meeting also included demos of making flying geese two ways and using the Tucker Trimmer. Having taken a class with Deb Tucker this summer, it was a good review. I do love her laminated technique sheets, and my Atlantic Crossing wallhanging (waiting for me to hand quilt it) was started in her class. Going to guild always energizes me which is bad since I get home at nearly 8 pm. So I had a little wine to help me wind down, and this morning I'm ready to get back into the sewing room!
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