So I worried all night, and when I saw flakes coming down in the morning, I got in the car and drove back to Burlington. They had said he probably wouldn't be released until noon, but I was taking no chance. When I arrived, he had been discharged and was ready to leave, amid some big, sloppy snowflakes. They let up on our way home, though, and all that worry was for nothing. Paul is fine, just has to take it easy and then have cardiac rehab when we get back from Alabama in March. We'll walk and take it easy down there, where it's in the 60's and 70's. Can't wait!
Meanwhile, Dutch Treat. Still haven't gotten the batik (I have a gift certificate burning a hole in my purse), so I've been making little wallhangings instead. One is a vase of f

But this one, done with wool and a vase made of selvages, is coming along really well. I'm not great at embroidery, but I'm learning as I go along. I need to add the leaves and a bluebird. It's from a book by Wendy Williams - Wild Blooms & Colorful Creatures. There are some really fun designs that I hope to use as inspiration.
1 comment:
sorry to hear Paul had to go through a heart procedure and do hope all well be well - and to have to be driving in the snow and stuff would have been rough too - I know you guys are used to snow but I have heard you guys have been having a lot of it.
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