Monday, August 12, 2019

Bring on the cookies!

I have looked at a lot of cookie jars over the years but didn't find one that suited me until I checked Ebay recently.  This arrived just the other day and has found a nice spot on our counter.
It isn't airtight, but will work fine with plastic bags holding the cookies.  In fact, I have a container of Dutch cookies from the Dutch Deli in there right now.  

I've been busy with this and that in the sewing room but just haven't had a chance to take any pictures lately.  Yesterday and today, I worked on a block that is the logo for the state quilt guild.  I am hoping to encourage a challenge centered around it for the guild in 2020 and thought I ought to give duplicating it a try.  It was designed in 1984.  I found a paper pieced center on Quilters Cache - it's called Vermont 2, but the Delectable Mountains border had me really stumped.
Here's the banner that we hang on the podium at meetings.  It has four colors - green, brown, beige, and cream.  I don't like brown, so I substituted purple for brown in the center and the "mountains."  The fabric around the mountains is aqua.  Will take a picture tomorrow when I get all the pieces together.  

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