Thursday, February 22, 2024

Lazy vacation days

We very much enjoyed the programs we attended at the Fairhope Public Library Tuesday.  One was a book review of Elliott Roosevelt III's latest and the other was a meet the author program.  Paul had read the local author's book before the program (he's a fast reader) and we had run into her at the bookstore.  The audiences for both programs were engaged and nice.

Yesterday was a more lazy day.  We drove to a pecan farm and then walked on the bike/foot path along the Bay.  We sat in the sun by a naturalized area set aside for butterflies (too early in the season but we did see one).   We had a nice pizza lunch and roamed around the history museum for a while.  They had an interesting display of blown up historical photos that were better seen with 3-D glasses.  This was fun. 

Our bungalow is across the street from the path, so we have gone out most nights to watch the sunset.   The sunsets here are just amazing.  The sky turns a lovely pink and the sun a brilliant orange.  But my iPhone cannot do them justice so far.  I'll keep trying.

I've been parking out front under a giant live oak with branches that spread out over the street.  Paul stood in front of it to give an idea of the tree's size.

Here's a view of the tree from across the street.  I copied this photo from the town's website.  And it really does look like this right now with all the tulips!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I never thought to check out local libraries when we have traveled other than for use of WiFi if it is bad in an area - good idea