Friday night I attended the second of the two part landscape class with Beth Ann Williams, and Saturday morning, I was back at my sewing machine, appliqueing and quilting. I thoroughly enjoyed her class and, while I'm still not sure I like freezer paper on top (when it sticks too much it's quite messy to remove), I do like the result.
This is my first attempt at my class project. Beth Ann gave us a pattern but also showed us how to adapt a photo into a pattern. I have had a similar photo cut out of the newspaper hanging on my wall for many years. This class helped me develop a quilt based on the photo. Some people in the class found just the right piece of batik for their skies, but I pieced mine to be more like the photo. I made a second landscape, very similar, but more like the actual shape of the mountain in the photo. I have a little hand sewing to do but will show it when finished.
Over the weekend, I also started working on Pat Sloan's daily blocks. In March she is challenging her readers and fans to make one 12" log cabin-like block a day. I cut out some charcoal centers and am using scraps for my "logs." Each block is a little wonky in my case, but together they will make a nice quilt after 30 days. This being the 4th of March, I have four blocks so far. I may have to cut some strings by the end of the month as a lot of the ones in my string basket are a little short. So far, I'm just grabbing fabrics at random.
And then! I made the next two Optimism blocks of the month, designed by Abigail Dolinger. They are 15" so a year's worth of blocks will end up as a very nice sampler quilt.
Phew! In between all this activity, I continued putting together the Exploding Heart pieces. They are looking good so far but take a lot of concentration. I hope to have the top finished by the end of the week, but I need to remind myself not to get distracted.