Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Vermont in the news


I am proud of my fellow Vermonters who braved near zero temperatures to protest the VP's ski trip here last weekend.  The line of protestors was a mile long, on both sides of the road leading to the ski area.  No matter - it was really too cold (below zero at the summit) to take little kids skiing.  Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when they left earlier than planned.  I'm not sure where the family stayed.  Their initial choice was in a cozy little village, very inappropriate for Secret Service and their entourage.  It's about 45 minutes from our house over winding country roads.

Like many people, I found Vance and the President's behavior earlier in the day toward the heroic Ukrainian president disgusting and embarrassing.   While I am not Ukrainian, my stepfather was on both sides, and my last name reflects that heritage.  Dad's parents came to the US around 1900; his father was recruited by a coal company to work in the mines at a very young age.  Growing up, relatives said the family was Russian on one side and Polish on the other.  Both families attended the Russian Orthodox Church in their small Pennsylvania town.  They were really all from the same area near Lviv on land which switched "ownership" between Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire over the years.  They actually all spoke Ruthenian, an ancient form of Ukrainian.  The area was also in the Pale of Settlement which accounts for my siblings having a little Jewish blood.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I was very proud of the Vermonters who protested - I didn't realize it was that cold there! Yes those little kids of his would have froze. I am having a hard time understanding what the heck is going on in this country lately - it is spiraling out of control