Monday, March 10, 2025

Two projects finished!

Saturday I finished sewing the binding down on a little wall hanging (or baby quilt?).  It uses some of the same fabric as the Dresden Plate quilt I finished last fall.  The star blocks were paper pieced and sure took a long time to make.   I could only stand to do a few each day so it took longer.

I finally took a picture of the second landscape I made after the class I took with Beth Ann Williams.  This one shows the mountain in a more realistic and recognizable shape.  

I'm glad I took the class because it helped me figure out how to make a pattern from a photo.  I hope to make a few more quilts using Beth Ann's technique.  Putting the freezer paper on top means that you don't have to work backwards.  It makes it a lot easier to trace a picture.  I don't have a light box so I use a window which works well if you tape the original to the window and then the freezer paper over that.  Now when I go shopping for fabric, I will keep an eye out for fabrics that might be used in landscape quilts.  

I don't really care for applique using invisible thread, though.  I'd rather use cotton or polyester thread.  With Beth Ann's technique, you applique and quilt at the same time.  I used fusible batting for the landscapes, and it is stiff.  If you wash the quilt after quilting, it probably softens up, but these little things are wall hangings and will probably never get washed. 

Today my attention has returned to the Exploding Heart.  Not a lot of parts are left to stitch together, but then I'll stitch all 6 sections of 3 rows each together for the top.  After that, I'll add some borders.  My book (Murder at Highbury) may distract me, though!

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