Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Barn Star sampler

 We're heading for a heat wave, the weather people say.  I'll try to do any housekeeping and cooking early in the day and then escape to the air conditioned sewing room when possible.  It all starts today when we are heading to Woodstock and the Billings Farm Museum to deliver my Hankie Quilt #2 to the Vermont Quilt Sampler show.  We'll try to get home before it all gets too oppressive.  We want to walk around the grounds of the museum, too, to see all the barn quilts that have been commissioned.  I've seen quite a few online, but it's always fun to see them in person.

I have quite a few projects I'd like to work on this summer, but I'm not wild about starting anything new right now because we are heading to Colorado for a week this coming Saturday.  

I made this month's Barn Star Sampler block Sunday and think I'll work ahead this week while I have my purple tub of fabric handy.  It happens every year about this time - I suddenly get tired of a block of the month project and want to finish.

Both Sunday's and yesterday's blocks measured 16" finished, and I managed to cut out the pieces necessary for the first of two August blocks, too.  

I will need to get outside early most evenings during this heat wave to water plants.  My tomato isn't looking great, but it does have a few little green tomatoes on it.  I think I'll pick some lettuce from our neighbors' crop, too, since the heat will most likely make it bolt.   It's amazing how prolific - and delicious - her little planting has been.

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