Thursday, June 6, 2024

Class project: table runner and a bunch of 16 patch blocks

I never did settle on a class block pattern that I could do over and over again.  That's just not what I enjoy doing.  I wanted to try making half rectangles, and the new tool from Creative Grids works really well.  It even came with directions for using the tool to make wonky sides for blocks which I plan to try sometime.  

I ended up making a table runner sampler with the blue and orange blocks for the class.   It has a modern look, and I will either give it away or try to sell it.  I'll try to make a back for it soon (peach?) and decide on a binding (more peach?) soon.   

I enjoyed the class even though my final project isn't great.  Playing around with a very simple block was really fun and encouraged me to try new approaches to the old traditional patterns.  I can see applying the techniques to churn dashes and more.

I also ran up a few 16 patch blocks in blue and orange to add to my ongoing stash of four patches.  I'll put them together... manana.

Today I'm taking the Christmas ribbon star quilt (60" x 60") to the quilt shop so Marie can quilt it for me.  That will reduce my to-be-quilted items hanging in the closet.  I'll also leave Renee's round robin quilt top there for her to pick up.  I like the way it ended up, and I don't usually like brown.  The blue makes it look great.  

I made the last round of 8" blocks which almost doubled the size of the quilt.  I like the way someone put it on point, and the repeat of the squares in two of the borders made by different people.   When I received the quilt, it seems awfully small to me.  I hope Renee will add to it to make it just a bit bigger still.

My round robin quilt is another Christmas one, and because it's a medallion, I think I can quilt it myself using my Elna.  Now that the air conditioner is in the sewing room window, that room will be my haven for the rest of the summer.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the quilt looks great but more borders would be good too. Does the rest of your house stay cool with A/C only in the sewing room? I would need one in the bedroom