Tuesday, May 28, 2024

My sew-jo has returned

I dragged around the house for a few months this winter and didn't get a whole lot of sewing done.  Read a lot.  Knitted a bit.  Now that summer is here, though, I've been sewing more.  It might have been caused by the near death of my Elna.  It is home now and so much faster and more accurate than the little Brother (waiting in a case, just in case).  But I was in a bit of a slump for a while there.  

My online friend Debbie wanted to do a bow tie block swap, so I agreed, and yesterday I made about 25 of those 8" blocks.  It helped that I had cut most of the fabric out the day before.  I still have some background pieces (from the free table at guild) cut out, and today I'll go through my scrap boxes to cut out pieces to go with the backgrounds.  I would love to have about 30 blocks to set aside before swapping and assembling later this summer.  A 5 x 6 layout would result in a 40" x 48" quilt without borders - nice for Bags of Love (kids in foster care).

If I have time today, I'll start piecing a back for the log cabin quilt, and then I'll see if I have enough batting to piece together so I can start quilting it.  Those jobs may have to wait until tomorrow because I have signed up for an online class in "using simple blocks for fantastic layouts" this afternoon followed by a Friends of the Library meeting.  I've never taken an online class which involves cutting and sewing, so it should be interesting.  I printed out the templates needed and have my fabric together.  Now to figure out where to plug in my laptop.

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