Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Two finishes!

Friday, I shopped for and added a binding to the white on white piece (about 12" square) I have been working on since the early 1980s.  Yes, that long!  I took a class on white on white quilting at the Vermont Quilt Festival when it was still just 10 miles down the road from me in Northfield.  One of the vendors sold printed squares, so I bought one to work on while traveling for some years until I started taking Dear Jane blocks with me on trips.

I found the white on white piece a couple of years ago at the bottom of a bin and have been taking it to work on now and then at monthly Calico County Quilters meetings ever since.  After I finished quilting it, I soaked it in warm water to get the blue lines out.  They faded but were still visible, so I washed it in hot water with new Dawn dish soap and some Oxy-clean.  That did the trick and also removed some of the stains acquired over 40 years of dragging it from meeting to meeting.  

The binding is a cream-on-cream that contrasts just enough.  Eventually, I'll hang the nameless piece on the wall after taking it to guild for show and tell.   I finished it at our Calico County meeting Saturday and also worked on the Sashiko I started on vacation in March.  I'll take the Sashiko along to Colorado next week as it's small enough to fit in my suitcase.

Over the weekend, I also pieced a back, pin basted, and quilted the Manx/log cabin quilt.  I used my walking foot and echoed the barn raising setting.  The binding is the same cream-on-cream.   I noticed that when I spritzed some of the quilting lines some of the red centers ran.  Ugh!  I'm not quite sure what to do now - maybe wash in the machine with color catchers and Oxy?  I'll ask folks at guild what they recommend.

Funny how, whenever I finish a quilt, I need to take a break for a day or two before working on anything else.  I spent quite a bit of the day yesterday reading Paper Cuts, a new installment in the cozy mystery series, The Secret, Book, and Scone Society, by Ellery Adams.  I enjoy this series set in a small town with the main character being a former librarian who owns a bookstore and offers a bit of bibliotherapy to her customers.  Could be my alter-ego!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I would wash the piece again and see if more of the bleed comes out - make sure to use lots of water and color catchers - it is a pretty piece