Is it that I like Christmas or just that I like red and green fabric together? At any rate, I really dive into sewing with Christmas fabrics right around the holidays. I make stuff too late to give to anyone who isn't local. All of my neighbors already have one from other years. A few days ago, though, I started on another mug rug making binge, starting with one for my Friends of the Library co-president, Pam. I will set any extras aside for gifts next year.
I love the background star fabric, part of the "Grinch" line. And yes, I can be very Grinchy at Christmastime sometimes. There's just too much hustle bustle, and I miss my mom and other family. Phone calls and even Zoom aren't enough. I do talk to Mom more at this time of year because she calls a lot to ask if so-and-so would like this or that as a gift.
Today I'll work on a few more mug rugs, and, if the sun comes out, I'll try to finish the binding on the Green Mountain Sunrise quilt and the hanging sleeve of the as yet unnamed applique quilt. First we need to go out for groceries and then I'll start some blueberry bread which I'll put into the freezer until it's time to gift it to some lucky neighbor or friend.
The "tree" is up, and some gifts are already under it since I don't like an empty area under the tree. That's left over from when I had cats who liked to climb unless there were packages barricading the tree. Then they just slept under it, guarding the packages.
1 comment:
I put empty decorative boxes under the tree for the whole season it brightens it up a lot - I think it was my granddaughter that said that it was sad to put empty boxes under the tree - but I told her I thought it was pretty and two of them contained gifts to my mom and she saved the boxes because she liked them so much so they have become part of the Christmas decorations.
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