Friday, December 16, 2022

Waiting for the snow

The weather people are all excited about a Nor'easter coming our way.  I'm hoping it lands in southern New England and doesn't creep up here and deliver the 14" of snow predicted.  Bob and Pauline were planning to visit us today, and I'd hate for them to drive home in snow falling 1" or more per hour.  We were going to see the Light Up the Library display and then have lunch, maybe at the new Brazilian restaurant.  If we have to cancel, we'll be sure to get together again soon.

I have been feeling sorry that I haven't made any gifts for the library staff this year.  Instead, I have spent these weeks on the Light Up the Library project.  Above is just a peek at some of the 50 items on display.  But now maybe I have time to make up some things for them.  Yesterday I whipped up five mug rugs, and I can get 10 more done over the next few days if I get stuck home with the snow.  

I'll give two of the mug rugs to Chris' friends Ted and Marad for whom I am also planning to make and freeze a lasagna and some rolls.   They tend to give us very expensive gifts at Christmas which makes me uncomfortable.  So I make them foods throughout the year as an ongoing thank you.  

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

expensive gifts can make us feel uncomfortable but maybe they don't even think about the amount they spend. I like you would feel uncomfortable about it but some people can afford it and it makes them happy - I spend very little on Christmas and keep gifts to a minimum. I have just never gotten in gift giving - it stresses me out too much for some reason. Your snow will look beautiful of course but I understand not wanting to drive in it all that much - here we have the excuse of not much snow removal equipment so most stay home