Sunday, May 12, 2024

Best laid plans

I thought I'd spend Friday afternoon doing a little hand quilting to prepare for the demos I'll be doing in about 10 days at guild.  Ha!  My neighbor invited me to go with her to dig up some perennials at her old house.  Her gardens were extensive and the new owners invited her to take whatever she'd like.  As I told Paul when I got home, Gale did a lot of digging, and I did a lot of toting.  The trunk was full by the time we left - 3 hours after arriving!  

Today I will go and get some mulch and other gardening supplies so that when Chris comes for lunch he can help me plant everything.  I can't remember any of the names of the plants we got, but most of them are shade lovers.

Yesterday's state quilt guild meeting went very well.  Our speaker was amazing!  She talked about the challenges her guild issues each year and the processes she goes through to create her unique pieces in response. 

Here are more closeup photos of some of Chris' quilts.

I noticed almost everyone taking a closer look at the pieces during the break and lunch.  It was a very successful day, and, I hope, will encourage more membership.  We will have to think hard to top the program in the fall!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so nice to get a lot of free plants! That is how I got a lot of mine