Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Dear Jane activity

Yesterday I finished Row G of Dear Jane.  I'm thinking of calling this quilt Scrappy Jane since that's what it is.  I'm using scraps from stash at whim - no particular order - with black and white backgrounds, and I like the way it looks.  I was torn between working on Row H and quilting Rows D, E, and F, and finally decided to get those three rows together for quilting.  They're all basted now and ready for quilting.

I finished these rows back in May, so it has been fun revisiting them.  I had to piece together some batting and also backing fabric for this long, thin section.  When I finish quilting this section, I'll add it to the one I quilted in May.  This Dear Jane is a slow but steady project.  I'll start working on the quilting today after I bake an apple cake or two to take to quilt guild tonight.  

I'm on the September "team" which means I need to get there early to help set up and plan to stay late to clean up.  I have my Round Robin from last year all quilted, so will take that and the Barn Star Sampler along for show and tell.  It will be good to see everyone - over 70 women and one or two men - again.

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