Monday, February 17, 2020


I put the last stitches into the Honeycomb quilt binding Saturday.  I was planning to go to a library program on decluttering and downsizing, but I decided I am pretty good at that anyway.  So I stayed home to sew, and I'm glad I did.

Honeycomb is basically a string quilt, and I have an ever-growing basket of them.  I have made quite a few basic string quilts, but I wanted something a little different.  When I saw the pattern in another quilter's blog, I bought it right away via

When I looked up the designer, I found she, Karen Griska, lives in Connecticut.  She has also written a book (out of print) on using selvages, another thing I like to do.  Wouldn't it be great if she could be the spring speaker at the state quilt guild meeting?  So I sent her a message, and she said yes!   Her sister lives in Montpelier, the next town over from Barre.

I got busy making the quilt which is a little smaller than the one in the pattern.  I used lots of low volume prints left over from my Splendid Sampler, and it ended up about crib-sized.  I also didn't make any half-square triangles for the border, but I really like the way the border turned out.  You probably can't see the echo quilting using my walking foot around what I think of as "wheels."  That took some time so I'm glad it was a small quilt.  I look forward to meeting Karen in May.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I printed out the photo of that quilt sometime back from someone's blog and have it in my maybe one day pile. I didn't know it was Karen's pattern - I have one of her books I should look and see if it is in it. I might make is sometime - I too have too many strings.

Unknown said...

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BTW, I said "HOW", not "what"...

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