Thursday, December 30, 2021

Suddenly, sun!

This morning we received a call from our next door neighbor (so lucky to have them!), telling us there were covid test kits being given out from a pick up truck at the mall.  We hopped in the car, drove around the parking lot at the mall, and didn't see said truck.  Paul went inside and, sure enough, there were some kits being given away at the vaccination clinic there.   They told him they were going fast, but he managed to snag a couple of kits.  We feel more prepared now.

When we got home, the sun decided to shine, just for a little bit.  Enough so I could go out into the snowy backyard while Paul stood on the porch with the quilts.  Here's Harriet's Journey.   Because it measures 78" x 78", it was too large for his "wingspan," but you get the idea.  The blocks were 6", mostly made of Moda's Moody Bloom fabrics.  I love the soft colors which fit the Jennifer Chiaverini pattern so well.

Here's a closeup.

We also managed to get some pictures of the Scrappy Big Block Sampler, which measures 74" x 74".  I don't have a preference for square quilts.  These just turned out that way.

And a few closeups.

It's a happy quilt which will probably go to "Bags of Love" for kids in foster care.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have not seen any covid testing packages here - I will try to get some on line when they become available. In the meantime we are mainly staying home again - 5,000 new cases in Arkansas today alone - that makes close to 10,000 in the last 5 days I think. They quilt is wonderful and glad you had sun today - rain moves in here tomorrow I think and then a bitter cold weekend - I have to cut my roses - they would did for sure this time if I don't