Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Heritage Days

Friday and Saturday are our annual Heritage Days here in Barre.  The Friends of the Library will be holding its annual book sale on the lawn both days, and there's lots of preparation behind the scenes:  sorting books, boxing them up, lugging them around to store and then outside on Thurs., supervising the tent (tomorrow morning at 7:30 am!), setting up tables (Thurs. at 10 am), and more.  During the sale, it's the calm before the storm.  It does get busy at times with shoppers, but the clean up can be a pretty exhausting time because of all that's gone before.  Can't wait til it's all over!

Heritage Days are fun, though, since people are all downtown and one tends to bump into them, literally.  I see a lot of people at the book sale that I never see otherwise during the year, including some former B&B guests who come back for class reunions.  The street food, the live music, and old fashioned fun do make it a nice time for everyone.  I usually spend Saturday's parade at the book sale, getting ready for clean up, but we can usually see it from there anyway.  This year, the "heritage stage" will be after the parade, indoors at the airconditioned Barre Opera House.  What a treat to hear traditional folk music there in honor of a dear friend who passed away a few years ago.  If we have any energy left, we'll surely go.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like it will be fun. Hope your book sale goes well and enjoy seeing the parade too