Tuesday, July 17, 2018

In a slump

What do you do when you've temporarily lost your quilting mojo?  It may be the heat and humidity, but maybe it's that, having just finished a good-sized quilt top, I need a break.  In any event, I am not feeling all that productive lately.  Yesterday I sat in front of the fan and read a mystery most of the day.  It was good.  Then we went out to dinner with Paul's sister and her husband... at the local bowling alley where the crab cakes were good but the fries soggy.  Still, the company was fun and the AC was on.

I have been shuffling the contents of my pizza box of "orphans."  These are blocks that didn't fit into a quilt, that were made to test a pattern, or that I didn't like so much.  Some are made of Civil War fabrics; other from selvages; and even a few "modern" ones.  They just don't go together at all, and  adding a neutral sashing won't help.  What to do, if anything?  Table runners?  Tote bags?  Little wallhangings?  For gifts or to sell on etsy?

Here's what I decided.  I need to practice my machine quilting, both walking foot and free motion.  I have a new book with FMQ ideas that I'd like to play with.   I got a few blocks out and will sandwich them today.  Stay tuned!


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

a lot of times I just need a day's break from quilting and get lost in a book

DreamNT said...

It is interesting to know more than anyone.
