Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Blueberry time

I made my annual blueberry pie yesterday, and Paul declared it the best ever.  In searching for the photo, I noticed I have one saved from last year, too.  So maybe he's right?  

Sunday was a lovely day for berry picking.  We drove to Karen's house where Chris had recently weed whacked the back yard so that people can get to the berry patch.  These are mature bushes full of berries.  With more sun now, they will probably ripen faster.  There were a lot of giant hogweed (a/k/a giant cow parsley) plants to contend with, so we were careful while picking.   

Karen broke her leg while visiting the Netherlands a few weeks ago, so she is pretty much homebound.  We were glad to pick some for her and for us, leaving the rest for more of her friends and neighbors.  I had brought a lunch of quiche, zucchini bread, and watermelon, and we had a great time catching up.   

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry your friend broke her leg and sadly when on vacation! love blueberries but I never have made blueberry pie - Mike doesn't like fruit pies and so I have never made one but have a piece here or there when out - not the same I'm sure as homemade!