Monday, September 2, 2019

September already?

Happy September!  It's amazing how fast it crept up on us.  The nights have been cooler and I see some leaves turning just a little bit.  I have had to wear a sweatshirt in the forest and shoes with toes a lot.  I still have UFOs that I wanted to finish this summer, but I guess I will just keep plodding along.  I am almost finished with the curved flying geese quilt - just a little quilting and the binding left to do.  Then I will most likely make another table runner and get the three I have down to the florist's shop for sale.   

I was a little under the weather yesterday so spent a lot of time snoozing and finishing Prairie Fires by Caroline Fraser.  It was looooong but very extensively researched.  Laura Ingalls Wilder lived a very typical frontier life, and her books were my favorites growing up.  I had heard rumors that her daughter actually ghost wrote them, but it seems she only edited them, adding pizzazz to the writing.  Much of the book is about Rose, who was not the easiest person to get along with.  She wrote yellow journalism, fictionalized biographies that she passed off as true, and potboilers.  Yet she made her mother's books come alive.  Still, I'm happy to move on.  The book was 600 pages long (I read the Kindle version), with photos and many footnotes.  I'm looking forward to dipping into A Better Man, Louise Penny's latest.

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