Saturday, May 7, 2022

Happy Mother's Day


Hope you have some fun planned for tomorrow and are also able to just put your feet up and relax.  I plan to!  Chris is coming over for lunch, and Paul will be grilling chicken breasts.  If I feel like it, I'll make an orzo salad to go with a tossed salad.  We have watermelon or strawberries or ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  

My lackadaisical attitude is due to today's busy-ness - the memorial concert at the library for my dear friend Christine who passed away in September.  She was the president of our Friends group, and tonight's concert will feature two musicians who like sing-alongs as much as she did.  The Friends will be setting up chairs and providing refreshments, and of course cleaning up afterwards.  It should be a lot of fun, and I think Christine would have enjoyed it, too.

My eyes tell me the pollen count is increasing, and everything outdoors is really greening up.  The lilacs have big buds and all of my bulbs are in full bloom.  It won't be long before the blueberries and crabapples start blooming, too, especially because sun and warm weather are in the forecast for the entire coming week.

Yesterday, I got busy on the RSC blocks for the month.  The color choice is sage and forest green, but I'm just going with a variety of greens because that's what I have.  I made four pineapple blocks, three house blocks, and five bowties. 


I had a lot of strings and little bits left over after making the pineapples, so I made a 10" crumb block.  I have no idea what I'll do with it, but I put it in the box with the other green blocks anyway.   I love the RSC because after all this activity, I put leftover strings in my string basket and neatly put my green fabrics away.   I now have a much better idea of what I have, and the tub isn't overflowing.

Tomorrow (or maybe Monday) I'll work on two "Favorites" blocks of the month.  Enjoy the weekend!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope you have a great day and it is nice everything is finally budding out in your neck of the woods and getting pretty!