Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Settling into the season

We put our Christmas "tree" up Sunday and then set the packages that had come in under it.  Our stockings are hanging at the mantel, and cards have also been arriving.  It's really feeling like Christmas now at our house.   I even did a little baking over the weekend and hope to do some more in the next few days.  I want to put together some tins of cookies for neighbors and friends.  The rain on Tuesday wiped out most of our snow, but we never worry about not having a White Christmas.  It invariably happens!

Yesterday I took a little time to work on my collage quilt and finished the tree tops - a major part of the whole wall hanging.  Now I'm working on the houses a little at a time.  I'd love to finish this week, but there's just too much else to do.  

Yesterday afternoon I attended a "Stay Steady" class at the Senior Center and found I am currently considered at low risk for falling.  What a relief!   They gave us tips to continue steadiness, many of which I already do.

Then I went to quilt guild at a new, better (brighter, good parking) location and had a great time.  I sat with two friends and met two new members.  I won all the blocks of the month, the door prize, and a prize when we played a few rounds of LCR (Left-Center-Right).  It was my lucky night!

I counted up all my UFOs and realized I have 16 to work on in 2024.  This far exceeds my usual count, so I have a lot to keep me busy this winter.  I'll move some along when we go to Alabama in February and on the usual snow days.  On the Quilting Board this morning, someone asked what folks' new years resolutions are, and I guess mine must be to whittle down my UFO list to a more manageable size before finally starting on a purple Exploding Heart quilt.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good luck at whittling away on your list. I need to look over my projects and see what I want to finish or what I want to get rid of.