Friday, January 26, 2024

Round robin

I enjoy working on round robins and organized one for our quilt guild this year.   Six people, including me, signed up, and so far I've worked on four quilts started by guild members.  Now that the quilts are bigger, we have two months to work on the last two rounds.  I have Soni's quilt to work on now, and it's gorgeous so far.  She said she would prefer that we make our borders no wider than 3", and I love the variety of batiks she included.  

I used a Seminole technique for my round and love the result.  Hope she does, too!   Years ago, I had a wonderful book on Seminole patchwork that I loaned to someone who never gave it back.  I bought another one and stupidly loaned it to someone who also never returned it.  Mr. Google came to the rescue yesterday!  

It wasn't as hard as it looks, but I'm really glad it's finished.  Each of those little squares was just 1" and the resulting strip is very stretchy.  The border ended up at 2" unfinished, and I'm going to leave it as is for the next person to deal with.  I like the way it looks on Soni's quilt.  

And I wonder how my quilt is!  I pulled the Christmas Dresden plate block out of my UFO box and added some fabric back in September, and now I hardly remember what it looked like.  The big reveal will be at the May meeting. Hope I can get a few more UFOs finished before it comes home to add to the pile.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have never participated in a round robin, that is just something I haven't been interested in. It looks like it will be a nice quilt