Sunday, January 21, 2024

Starting a new BOM

I can't resist Aby Dolinger's Blocks of the Month.  Her instructions are just so clear, and I always like the way the end result looks.  

This year, she's using Shelley Cavanna's Barn Star Sampler as the basis for the BOM because she's teaching a class in her area (NC).  My version this year is designed to reduce my collection of purples.  I keep buying purples, and people give them to me, too.  It's next to impossible to close the tub now! 

I'm planning to make the throw sized quilt, but one never knows where one's whims will take me.  I may say "small" in January and change my mind in October!  

The first three blocks. #10 and 11, were fairly easy, and I enjoyed making them.  We are also supposed to make a start on a more complex, bigger star block, #2, but I will probably hold off until I finish a few other things this month.

There were quite a few cut-offs from the corners of the flying geese, so I sewed half square triangles together in hopes of using them as fillers down the line.  I'm varying the backgrounds a bit although I have quite a bit of white on white I can use here and there.  I especially like the background by Victoria Findlay Wolfe in the block at the upper left.

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