Sunday, February 4, 2024

Finishing books and projects

Now that the collage is finished and hanging on the wall, what should I work on next?  I always have to take a little break after finishing an intense project or after reading an intense book.  Both happened yesterday.  I finished quilting Birch Street and hung it up in the front hall.    It's a narrow space and difficult for photography, but perhaps today I'll take the quilt outside for a photo shoot.  I folded and sewed the outer border over to the back as a facing and made a thin hanging sleeve which I sewed on by hand.   I think that will be "it" for collage quilting for me.  

I spent most of yesterday reading Go As A River, by Shelley Read.  It's set in Colorado, between 1949 and 1970.  Victoria meets a charismatic young man on a street in her small town, falls in love, and bears the consequences.  It's an adventure with coming-of-age, very exciting in parts, and also quite heartwarming at the end.  Beautifully written with very strong characters, it's a book I will remember for a long time.  I enjoyed Victoria's love of nurturing the peaches her family grew.  Colorado peaches are delicious.  

Feeling the void of a project and a book finished, today I'll work on getting some projects together for our trip and start a cozy mystery - palate cleansers!  Tomorrow we are heading to Bellows Falls on an errand for the historical society, and Tuesday I'll have a pedicure and go to Burlington to give Pauline her placemats.  I'd like to get my taxes done before we leave next week, too.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good luck getting all done that you wish to before you can relax on your trip