Friday, June 28, 2013

Flood watch... again

We have had a very wet spring, and the weather pattern just seems to continue.  Two days ago, the rain just poured straight down almost the whole day.  It cleared up in the evening, but what good is that??  I continue to blame it all on the new grill we bought and can't use.  Even if it's not a rainy day, it seems to start raining right around dinner time.  Today we have the all day pouring rain thing going on again.  I'll be at the Vermont Historical Society all morning and quilting and reading this afternoon.  I hope it all clears out by Sunday so the drive to the Vermont Quilt Festival won't be hampered. 

Meanwhile, we are hoping that our beloved Old Labor Hall will be flood-free.  Paul went down and helped put sand bags around crucial spots and helped install two sump pumps yesterday.  He'll keep checking all day, and when he isn't there, he'll be worrying.

I do see a bright spot on the weather map, and that is that there appears to be a little moisture over Colorado.  Usually it doesn't reach the ground there, but my mom says the mountains are now invisible due to the forest fires.  Hope the rain helps.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

flooding in so many different places it seems and here in my part of Arkansas it is the same as usual for us at this time of year - they say scattered and it misses us, I have been watering my plants off and on for several weeks now and it has been several weeks since we had a measurable amount of rain