Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Everything "wash-away"

We had a busy day yesterday.  The weather was terrible - rain, ice, snow.  I went to the dermatologist who confirmed that the place where she removed cancerous cells a few months ago was all healed and show no signs of anything.  UPS delivered Euros we had obtained through AAA for our cruise in a few weeks.  And!  The car was fixed with parts that arrived in the morning.  What a relief to have a reliable vehicle again.  This past week or so was one of the few times when we missed having a second vehicle.

In the middle of all these things, I finished pin basting the guild mystery quilt that Chris says looks like something a grandmother would make.  I decided to anchor the quilt by using wash-away thread in the ditch between the blocks.  Now that I have started quilting, I can remove the pins and maneuver the quilt much more easily.
I hope you can see the quilting in this photo.  I drew criss-cross squiggly lines on the quilt with a wash-away pen, and am now echoing the line over the whole quilt.  I thought that, with the old fashioned look, it needed a more modern style of quilting.  Luckily, it's smallish so quilting shouldn't take too long.  When I finish the squiggles, I will quilt the borders very simply, bind, and wash away the marks and the basting thread.  This is my first time using this thread which Ricky Tims swears by.  Hope it all comes out!

Today we go to vote on school board members, I'll go down to the flower shop with quilts to hang and sell in her store, and then I'll make some hot cross buns.  And then I'll get a few more rows in on the quilt.  And I might get a load of wash in, too.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad the spots you had removed healed ok. I couldn't do with just one car - Mike and I run to different places all the time and it would be hard to share a car - of course living 12 miles out of town is the reason that also. And then of course our daughter lives out this way too and has an unreliable vehicle so half the time I am running her someplace when her car breaks down and she can't use her mother in laws car that day. We tried sharing and going places together more when he first retired and it didn't work out - we don't live in each others pockets and do a lot separately.