Friday, April 5, 2019

Staying close to home

Why is it that when you don't have a lot to do, it seems you get even less done?  Our car has been on the fritz for a week so I have been sticking fairly close to home, driving only downtown when I absolutely need to.  I need to go farther afield to Joann Fabrics soon to get a few supplies, but I keep hoping the garage will call to say the part they're waiting for is in and it's time to deliver the car for repair.  I may get courageous over the weekend.

Instead of housecleaning, the latest "Maisie Dobbs" book by Jacqueline Winspear took a lot of my attention this week.  It was great, and I was sorry to have it end.  Now I'm slogging through a book about Alaskan homesteaders a neighbor thought I'd like after he saw me reading The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah.  That was a page-turner, but Alaska Homestead is not, AND it has tiny print.

I've also been working ahead on Splendid Sampler blocks for April and May because of our upcoming trip.  All twelve April blocks were sashed and sandwiched yesterday, and I started quilting this section.  I'll try and take a photo later today.  I also made three May blocks with a Dutch theme since that's where we'll be at the beginning of the month.    Paul's sister and her husband are coming up from Connecticut today for lunch and to deliver two folding bicycles for us to store for Paul's other sister who winters in Florida.  But I'll probably finish the April section this afternoon.

I've been doing things in preparation for our trip to the Netherlands (in just three weeks!) and had to laugh over the president's comments about windmills the other day.  Then my Dutch cousin Walt in Pennsylvania posted this photo giving me even more chuckles.  We will be visiting a very historic area with restored windmills while on the cruise - can't wait!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope your car gets fixed soon! I hate it when something is not working and afraid of being stranded if it collapses lol I started to read the Maisie Dobbs books sometime back and I don't remember where I left off - I will have to look them over and see - who is the Alaskan Homestead by? I read the Great Alone and liked it