Tuesday, March 26, 2019

More bread

I've been trying to perfect my bread baking.  The loaf right out of the oven is great but by the next day it is too crumbly.  I have read that is due to having too much flour in the dough and not kneading enough.   So today I gave it another try.  I made one loaf and a bunch of rolls, half of which we devoured at lunch.  The rest of the rolls went into the freezer, and tomorrow we'll test the bread!  Our car is making odd noises underneath, so we are driving as little as possible.  At least the weather is sunny so we can walk to the store if we need more bread!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I hope you don't have to have major repairs for you car! My bread is always dry the next day - it seems like when I used to make it years ago it wasn't like that - then I didn't bake bread for a long time or used the bread machine - I could get my machine back out to use but always hated that big hole on one end from the machine LOL and I just don't have room for it to sit out and it is heavy to get in and out (plus where to put it in the cupboard - no room)