Friday, November 5, 2021

More yoyos and the RSC

I still have a bunch of yoyos appliqued to black and white squares hanging around, after distributing quite a few at the state quilt guild meeting two weeks ago and making a small quilt for our president.  I had been considering arranging a few to resemble balloons with embroidered strings, but after I laid them out, they still looked like squares with yoyos attached.  I think they'll need to be cut into differently sized shapes in order to work together.

I still have a bag of 72 black and white squares with yoyos to turn into half of a small quilt.  Soni and Jan are making the other half.  That's a project I've set aside for a snowy day when I feel like sewing something mindlessly while watching the weather.  We have quite a few of those in January and February, cozy days when we don't go anywhere and have pancakes for lunch.

Meanwhile, I made a nine patch of some 5" yoyo squares and bordered it with various 2.5" scrappy squares.  Now the little quilt is 24.5" wide, and I'm at a bit of an impasse.  I think I'll add a small strip of bright blue as shown, followed by some scrappy log cabin blocks for the next border.   Adding more color always makes a scrappy quilt look better.

Meanwhile, I'm make some more pineapple blocks, this time out of my many Christmas scraps.   The 6" pineapples are a two-year RSC project, and I've been thinking of making a house-themed quilt for another RSC 22 project.  I have collected several patterns for house quilts and hope to combine variously sized blocks into one quilt made throughout the coming year.  

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