Saturday, November 20, 2021

Where does the week go?

Sunday, we woke up to a dusting of snow - what a reality check!  The rest of the week included snow flurries and showers, but today it's supposed to be sunny all morning.  November is not my favorite month - too gloomy!  It's been a busy week, with meetings and commitments, but I managed to get Christmas packages mailed, some projects finished, and more.

The quilt for Ken, my brother's friend, is finished and ready for mailing.  I'm pleased with the way it turned out.  Marie quilted it with a boxy modern all-over pattern, and I like the gray "grunge" in the setting.  The blocks were part of a quilt along called "Options," by Aby Dolinger.  This will be my final package to be mailed this season - now on to the Christmas letters/cards, with the international ones going in the mail first.

An electrician came Wednesday to install some outdoor lights on either side of our garage door.  We've been discussing this for the last ten years, so when our neighbors decided to have some installed, we got the same kind and used the same electrician.  The box says the LED lights should last 46 years. - wow!  I doubt if we'll be living here when the bulbs burn out, but we're really pleased with the way they turned out.

It has been almost two years since we saw our friends Bill and Diane who only live about 2 miles away.  The pandemic and various health issues have gotten in the way.  We were glad to host them for lunch on Tuesday and catch up a little bit.  I made a quiche and crudites; Diane brought sorbet and cider.  We hope to do it again sooner now that we are all vaccinated and well-quarantined.  

I finished a little fabric basket and am working on a table runner.  Both are for neighbors, so I have time.  I also swapped out the Halloween items I had for sale at the local florist/gift shop.  Now there are Christmas stockings and table runners on display there.  I also freshened up my etsy shop offerings with new items and better photos.  And there's more!   I'll post again soon.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like you have been busy and always nice to catch up with friends! I can do without the snow though - this time of year I'm busy in the work with fall stuff as of course we have a long fall