Sunday, June 5, 2022

Finished quilt top and blocks


I love Tulip Tango fabrics by Robin Pickens and used a fat eighth bundle and some yardage to finish this 70" x 70" throw.  It's now hanging in the closet, waiting for me to decide whether to quilt it myself or take it to be long armed.  The Sawtooth Star blocks are 12", 8", 6", and 4" which turned out to be a challenge to put together because of a lack of unifying background.  But I made it work.  The center block is a 6" one with multiple borders.   Yesterday I made a few crumb blocks using tiny leftovers and today I'll put the rest of the scraps away for a while.

I also made a couple of 6" Rosebud blocks for the online guild's block of the month.  I asked Karen H. to choose this for the month, and she found it in that old reliable Sylvia's Bridal Sampler by Jennifer Chiaverini.

I used Tulip Tango scraps for this block which I will send to whoever wins this month's lottery, but the one I'll keep is burgundy and gold for another block of the month quilt.  I think I have made plenty of blocks for that quilt, so I'll probably put it together this month if I have time.  

There are still blue RSC blocks to make, and I'd also like to make some headway on the next-to-last round of the Unity quilt.  And, looking ahead, there's our week in Colorado later in the month to celebrate Mom's 100th birthday.  I still have a few things to do to prepare for the trip and party, including getting a haircut and a little shopping.  It's going to be a busy month.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one can never go wrong with a star quilt! love it