Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Hope you had a fun holiday

 Well, it's back to "life" here in Vermont with another very foggy morning leading to another gray day.  No snow on the ground to reflect a little light back.  We have put the compost bucket out for pick up and in a minute I'll go down to get laundry out of the dryer from yesterday.  Exciting, isn't it?!?

We had a very nice Christmas day.  Low key as always.  Chris came for brunch, and I made his favorite - bacon - to go along with fruit and waffles made from cinnamon buns in a can.  They were incredibly easy and quick.  I had bought two cans but only used one, so I'll make them again soon.  We didn't have the frosting on top but, in typical Vermont fashion, used maple syrup instead.  Delish!  I have to admit that I prefer whole grain waffles, but these are nice for a change.

We spent much of the day talking on the phone to family, including a little texting back and forth with Paul's sister Pat in Florida.  The rest of the day, I cleaned up, read and knitted.  I'm working on a Wave Scarf made with short rows.  This is something new for me and ends up in a really interesting pattern.  

I'm using three different colors of alpaca yarn - dark purple, lighter purple, and brown - so I'll have to switch somewhere in the process.  It is working up fairly quickly on #7 needles, but I do have to refer back to the pattern as I go, with a lot of counting.  I'll share a photo somewhere along the way.  It will be a nice change from the baby hats and mittens I've been working on.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I had not thought to make waffles from canned cinnamon rolls - do they take a lot longer to bake on the waffle iron than regular waffles? I would use syrup too - I always prefer syrup on pancakes and waffles than anything else. I texted family a lot - most of my family do the texting now rather than calls. Family is all over the place aren't they - not like childhood when most were near by. I need to finish my brown sweater but admit to having grown tried of the solid color and tempted to start a new one with lighter yarn and multi-color