Monday, January 8, 2024

Barn Star Sampler BOM

I have followed Aby Dolinger's blog for a number of years and enjoy working on blocks of the month projects she designs.   Her directions are always very clear.  This year, she's leading a BOM using Shelley Cavanna's Barn Star Sampler.  I got the book in the fall and, since I am involved in fostering a barn quilt trail all over Vermont, I thought this was a perfect project for me this year.  This will be 2024's purple quilt because my stash of purples continues to grow.

Here are Aby's first two block choices which look pretty simple to me.  I don't think I'll get to them today but hope to sometime this week.  At least I'll try to cut them out.  In my attempt to be more realistic about projects I start, I'm shooting for a throw this time.  I have yet to put the binding on the queen-sized BOM I did with Aby in 2023.

Today's project will be sandwiching and beginning the quilting on the placemats I'm making for Pauline.   I have lots of leftover batting scraps which should see me through this project.  I don't want to venture out of the house because the roads don't look too good yet.  The news reported that we had 13.5" of snow yesterday, and it will take a little time to clean that up.  Thank goodness we shopped for groceries on Saturday!

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I heard you were getting a lot of snow and sounds like that is fairly normal for you as I thought, the news of course was acting like it was an unusual event.