Tuesday, March 19, 2024

March Barn Star blocks


Yesterday morning, after I finished the February blocks of the month, I worked on the March ones since I had the purple box out.  One set of two was fairly easy and the other set turned out to be problematic.  I would not have made the Lemoyne Stars (the book gives them another name) that way, and I know I'll end up nipping off the points.  But they are done and put away with the other blocks until April.

Most of our afternoon was spent at the Retina Center in Burlington, a 45 minute drive away.  Paul goes every four months for a check up, and I sit in the waiting room with a good book.  During the pandemic I couldn't come in, so had to either wait outside in the car, go shopping, or sit on a lawn chair by the parking lot.  Now we all still have to wear masks, but I don't really mind that.

I'm reading The Boy Who Cried Bear by Kelley Armstrong, the latest in a series set in a remote town in the Yukon.  Casey and her partner Eric run a town for people who need to disappear from the "outside" world for safety, such as criminals, victims of violence, etc.  They know the forest surrounding the town well, but every now and then some stranger will appear.  And it's always the humans that are more dangerous than the animals, of course.  There's food for thought along with the adventure.

Tonight I have quilt guild and will take the collage and Disney quilts for show and tell.  I hope to go through my stash a bit to glean a few things for the free table.  I tend to take more than I bring in, and I really need to reverse that trend!

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