Monday, July 20, 2020

Sold a quilt!

All good things come to those who wait
.  I had a quilt on my etsy shop for a few years.  I really liked it and would have given it away when I was thinning out my quilt collection last year.  But I didn't have anyone that I thought would like it due to its twin-bed size.  It sold on Saturday, much to my surprise and delight.

The scrappy sampler is made of gray, blue, and white 6" blocks, many of which came from Liz Lois' books, Nearly Insane and Just Plain Nuts.  I used Civil War reproductions, batiks, and other scraps, and had a great time making it.   Joanne in NH quilted it for me, very simply, and it has a scrappy back.  This picture shows it hanging at Westview Meadows senior housing back in December, 2017 (I think), where I had a one woman show.

I spent some time over the very hot weekend packing it up, and I mailed it to Texas this morning.  It's a little bittersweet to send one of my "children" away, but also a relief because I am, once again, running out of storage space.   The months of Stay Home - Stay Safe have resulted in quite a few finished quilts and even more works in progress.   Since we're still staying home most of the time, I expect I'll get a few more done and, perhaps, listed for sale.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have never started an etsy shop but have a contact at a museum gift shop in Little Rock and had luck selling quilts there over the years - they have one on consignment still it has been there a while and wouldn't be surprised if they send it back soon or find out if I want to lower the price - it is always nice to sell a quilt isn't - I decided a couple years ago that would be the last one I sell the rest one day I will give away to family