Saturday, July 4, 2020

Emerging (slightly) from the cocoon

Am I one of the few people who actually enjoyed the past few months of staying home?  I left the house to go to the post office and the grocery store, once a week or less.  I had no meetings to go to, and the only thing on my schedule was a weekly yoga class via Zoom.  I liked not having a schedule and am doing my darnedest to keep my life that way.  Still, needs must get me out for some required maintenance.  

I had a pedicure a couple weeks ago (can't reach the left pinky toe at all, despite many contortions), and Wednesday I ventured out for a haircut.  During some hot days, I almost cut my hair myself after reading a few how-tos online but chickened out.   My hairdresser, Tess, has been cutting my hair for about 40 years, and I hope she never retires!  I hadn't seen her since October so was overdue when the stay home order came out.  She measured 6" of hair cut all the way around!  What a relief.
My bangs were just "nibbled" (Tess' term) because she said I do a great job with those due to the home haircutting class I took years ago.  Actually, I just watch what she does and try to do the same. 

Meanwhile, I finished quilting and binding (by machine) the village quilt and started working on the virtual round robin.  This month's assignment is melon shapes - yikes!  I had thought I'd do them by machine but they just don't look good that way.  So I'll be doing some hand applique in front of the fan today.  Photos to follow... eventually.  

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

from what I read Vermont is probably safe to do the things you say. Here in Arkansas though with cases rising I'm not sure still if I want to leave the house to get a hair cut. I have always cut my own bangs and trim my hair and then go to a shop about every 4 months for a good shape up hair cut and that is due but when to go? I haven't decided yet. I will be glad when life is back to normal as even though I don't run around a lot we like to go out to eat and I like to shop when I want to shop and not plan - one day life will be back to normal