Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Time flies when you're doing nothing

Until a day or so ago, it was (for Vermont) terribly hot and humid.  I did almost nothing - no cooking, no sewing, no reading - just the bare necessities, it seemed.  A little gardening, a little house cleaning, some writing, a very little quilting.  At least I did call a friend who I hadn't talked to since early April and found she had had a stroke in the meantime.   Now using a wheelchair, Sandy and I will get together for lunch on her birthday Sunday.  I'll bring lunch and learn what happened.

The last couple of days have been cooler with much-needed rain, giving me some energy.  I finished machine quilting the Heart of Vermont Sampler, trimmed it, and cut pieces for the binding.  The cross hatched setting triangles seemed to take forever.   I finished knitting the front of the sweater and am now working on the back.  It's grown a lot so is quite uncomfortable to sit under on a hot day.  I also am back working on the 3" melon blocks for the next round of the virtual round robin.  When the weather's nice - and it should be today - I like to sit outside to applique since the light is better.  I need 40 blocks and have done 12, so I have a way to go.

The state quilt guild board has decided not to hold its fall meeting which I was looking forward to.  Our speaker was coming from Connecticut, and I hope she can come next spring.  Her talk was to be on the creative process and her specialty is using scraps and selvages.  I made a quilt based on a pattern she designed and was looking forward to showing it.  Guess that'll have to wait until May now.

This morning, I'm off for my weekly session with two other Friends of the Library in the booksale room.  We have a lot of books to sort through and get ready for storage.  Then I'll go shopping for the Mutual Aid group.  We have a family in quarantine that needs supplies to cope with a child's COVID.  A friend will deliver to them.

On my to-do list for tomorrow is making a few more masks as the need seems not to diminish.  I have a lot of novelty fabric that would be fun to use and a new, shaped pattern that I want to try.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry your friend had such a bad stroke to be in a wheelchair now - I hope she can recover somewhat.
Sometimes in the summer it seems like we just do the essentials, sit around and read and putter around seeming to not accomplish much but we actually do
Fall is looking pretty good to me right now LOL - we wait and wait for summer and want warmer weather and fresh veggies and flowers and then by July I'm saying I want fall