Thursday, June 3, 2021

Busy days

 Paul has been home from the hospital for a little over a week, and he is doing pretty well.  We have settled into a routine centered mostly around his dialysis schedule - Tues., Thurs., and Sat., 5:30-10 pm.  Since we have always been early-to-bed people, staying up later took a little getting used to, but we are trying to sleep a little later in the mornings.  We are also eating larger meals at lunchtime on those days.  Every day Paul tries to walk a little farther outside, which has been nice although today it's muggy and gloomy.  Thundershowers are predicted later.

Little errands take up our days, and now that it's June quilt guild members are stopping by with the swap blocks they've been making all year.  I have a tub in the garage for a "contactless" drop off with a checklist for them to note when they do.  They have until the 7th to drop the blocks off, and then I'll do the swapping, probably using every surface in my sewing room.  Then they'll pick their swapped blocks up next weekend.   One quilter made blocks but doesn't want any back, so everyone else will get 22 12" blocks for their "Scrappy Trips Around the World" quilts.  I have a bunch more made so that I can make a bigger quilt... eventually.  I have a couple of other projects in the queue ahead of it, though.

I've been quilting the Dear Jen sampler in three sections, and today I finished quilting the second section and pin basted the last one.  I pieced a back of mostly muslins and also pieced the batting.  Now that the blocks are sashed in red, I like it a lot better, and it will be a nice throw for someone when finished.  I'll use more red for the binding.

1 comment:

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

having to have a set schedule of appointments can be tiring - well he need to do dialysis for life? Do you need to drive far for it - drop him off and do something at home and go back?